Wednesday, June 18, 2008

He doesn't like it! Now what?

This class session, I started a new class with Zipper. It's the Jump 3 class. Taught by the eminently capable Deb Heifner, this class is for dogs who basically know how to jump but need to learn some of the more common patterns seen in the agility ring like serpentines, pinwheels, 270s, 180s, etc.

In Jump 3, dogs are starting to cue in on handler motion and how to use that motion to know where to go and which way to turn. It's actually a very cool class and I'm having a blast.

Zipper, however, is not.

The first week, Zipper was very blah at first. He acted hot. And tired. And I could not get him going. Finally he decided to attack a huge toy, and I was able to use that to get him excited and going. He completed the class with verve and style.

But again last week, Zipper was flat. He was distracted, slow, and sniffy. At best he cantered. This time a toy didn't really do that much for him. He got through the class but was clearly demotivated. Once again I wondered if it was conditions. It was warm and he was panting rather heavily. However, when I took him over to the big ring, he suddenly came alive. He flew over contacts and jumps, running flat out, and giving the huffy little steam-engine pants he does when he's happy and having fun.

Hmmmm. So it's not the conditions. It's the class.

What to do...what to do. I love the class. Further, this is stuff Zipper needs to learn and it will benefit us in the long run. On the other hand, he's a young green dog and if he's demotivated too often it may carry over. Zipper has "happy drive," which means he appears to have lots of drive, and he does, when he's happy. But he's soft. He doesn't have the "do it or die" work ethic of my dobes. He does this for fun and because I like it. He likes it too, but not so much that he couldn't turn off to it if he felt too challenged. That's why I've treated him with kid gloves all the way along.

So now I have a decision. Keep going with the class and try to motivate him? Quit the class and just work in the big ring? Quit the class and come back to it later?

For this week, the answer will be to come to class and work with Deb to see if we can light him up. This class IS hard for green dogs. The jumps are tight and they have to repeat things sometimes. He doesn't like repeating. So maybe we don't repeat. And maybe we do a few extra jumps on our way to the problem. I'm sure Deb and I will come up with something, and I'll keep you guys posted.

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